If you happen to be working with audio files in your projects, chances are you need them to be under a specific format. This can’t really be done by simply changing the extension, and this is where specialized applications like Audiofan MP3 to Wave Converter come in handy, with an intuitive design, and batch processing support.

The application wraps all its features around a classic window frame, with an upper toolbar fitted with button to most of the functions you get to use. A large space is used to enlist all files you load, along with details like name, path, size, as well as date modified. Additional panels inform you of total size, buffers, and an output window for operation status.

File support isn’t great, with only MP3, and a few playlist file formats supported. On the other hand, adding them is incredibly easy, since these can be dropped over the main window, or imported in group selection through a browse dialog, or have the content of an entire folder selected at a time.

There are no editing options involved. However, the options menu allows you to change the default save path, whether or not to overwrite files with the same name automatically, buffer size to allocate, whether to delete original files after conversion, as well as a few comfort options in case you’re not around when done, such as automatic shutdown, or program close.

You need to add only those files you’re sure you want to convert, because there’s no selection option before conversion. All files on the list are processed in the same manner. In case you want to convert a large structure, view options help you better analyze the list before conversion, with output always being a WAV file.

In conclusion, Audiofan MP3 to Wave Converter is a straightforward application with which to turn audio MP3 files into WAV in no time at all. The visual design is intuitive enough to be quickly understood by beginners and individuals alike. Multiple files can be converted at the same time, with a high chance it might come in handy one day,