Without being tedious by any means, periodically changing the desktop wallpaper is something many of us forget to do because we end up caught up in the chaos of other priorities.
It is precisely in this context that an application like Automatic Wallpaper Changer Software proves its worth since it offers to add a glimpse of dynamism to your desktop’s looks.
Being an approachable program, Automatic Wallpaper Changer Software is designed to make a compilation of your favorite pictures, which it subsequently schedules to become wallpapers.
Adding new images is easy as pie, and you can either select them individually or perform a search within a folder based on the file extension criterion. It must be mentioned that we tested the app using BMP and JPG images while other formats such as TIFF and PNG were not compatible.
For those prone to minimalism, the app comes with another option, which allows them to remove any wallpaper from the desktop altogether.
However, the core feature of this program is packed on the right side of its main window, where you can schedule the switch of wallpapers you added to the list. It must be said that you can organize these photos in whatever order suits you the best.
You can set fixed intervals at which the swap takes place, you can also ask the app to change wallpapers daily, at a specific time, or weekly, on whatever day you wish.
Still, if this seems too predictable for your taste, you can turn to “Random Option,” which is quite self-explanatory. While the images will rotate at the times you specified, the app will no longer take into consideration the order you arranged them in.
And now for a rather more formal point of discussion. Since the app is designed for long-time use, it is vital to be as subtle as possible and not interfere with your more pressing tasks.
It is actually capable of that too since, at the bottom of its main window, you can check an option if you want it to start in the system tray as well as if you think it might be of any use to load it on Windows startup.
In summary, Automatic Wallpaper Changer Software is a program whose mission is to breathe life into your desktop wallpaper and prevent you from getting bored with it. It serves its purpose more than satisfactorily, and it is in no way intrusive.
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