These days, almost any site you visit invites you to become a registered user in exchange for extra content and many other features. But registering also involves creating a new password, and before long you’ll realize that you use too many of these to actually remember them all.

Sure, these days it isn’t difficult to just save all your password in a document; of course, you will do this only if you don’t really trust your web browsers, which can nowadays save any password, or even generate them (well, at least Google Chrome can). But the most secure option is using a professional tool, such as Avira Password Manager.

Avira Password Manager is a cross-browser extension that allows you to safely store your passwords for every site where you need to register an account. These are all protected by a master password which you need to set at the very beginning, and which you must always remember; you won’t be able to recover it in case you forget it.

You can access some of the tool’s features directly from its extension drop-down interface, but most of them you’ll find in the program’s dedicated webpage, where you’ll handle your advanced account operations. Remember that you can allow Avira Password Manager to generate your passwords, or simply create your own; the extension will inform you about the passcode’s strength by estimating the time it would take for someone to hack it. You can also add notes and assign tags to your passwords, so you can find them more easily.

The question you’re probably asking is if Avira Password Manager is as efficient as the very popular LastPass. Firstly, Avira’s tool is available only as a browser extension and mobile app, while LastPass is also available as a desktop app for Windows, Mac and Linux. It's easy to notice that Avira Password Manager isn’t as complex and has a few paid features (like automatically checking for weak passwords and hacking notifications) that LastPass offers for free.

Nevertheless, Avira Password Manager is still a powerful and easy-to-use tool which can keep your passwords safe.