Blue Cat's MB-5 Dynamix is an extremely powerful all-in-one multiband dynamics processor: it can be used as a multiband compressor, limiter, gate, expander, waveshaper or all combined at once, on any part of the spectrum.

The unique dynamics processing section of the Blue Cat's Dynamics plug-in has been streamlined and integrated in this plug-in to process each one of the 5 bands separately. The plugin features one of a kind envelope detection functions that will enable a single band to trigger the dynamics response on other ones (internal side-chain).

Combined with the advanced stereo features including mid/side processing and independent channels activation, it gives you full control over the dynamics of the signal for a wide range of effects. An additional brick wall limiter/clipper protects the output for complete control over the dynamics response.

The plug-in provides comprehensive visual feedback to let you know what's exactly going on at every step of the dynamics processor: for each channel, monitor the spectrum, the in/out levels, dynamics response, compression ratio and in/out level of each band...

The user interface has been designed to streamline the workflow, and despite the wide range of functionalities offered by the plug-in, it is extremely easy to use. Inter-bands controls (copy/paste, link...) lets you create complex treatments with a few clicks.

Thanks to its advanced MIDI and automation output capabilities, Blue Cat's MB-5 Dynamix is capable of advanced side-chaining features: you can control other plug-ins with the output of the dynamics processing stage for simple side chain dynamics effects or more advanced signal-dependent effects.