Migrating from one mailbox to another requires dedicated tools, since there are compatibility issues that need to be considered. Cigati comes with several tools that can help you out in this matter and the Cigati MBOX to Office 365 Migrator Tool is one of them.
As its name implies, this application makes it possible for you to quickly import MBOX files directly to your Office 365 mailbox without a lot of hassle. Thanks to its wizard-based approach, carrying out the task is easy, as you will read about it below.
There are not too many options to deal with in Cigati MBOX to Office 365 Migrator Tool. In fact, you are only required to select the MBOX files you want to convert and that is about it. You can either choose one or more MBOX files yourself but note that there is also the option to select a folder and let the application search for compatible MBOX files inside it.
The input list includes the name of the files and their complete location, as well the file types and their sizes.
The second step of the wizard allows you to select the files you want to convert from a checklist and preview their content and their attachments to make sure you have the right MBOX files at hand. The application also displays the sender, the subject, the date and the attachments, if any.
Once you are done choosing the files to convert, you can proceed to the next step, which requires you to provide the credentials to your Office 365 account (username and password). Once logged in, you can continue to import the MBOX files to the Office 365 mailbox.
The Cigati MBOX to Office 365 Migrator Tool makes the email migration process easier and faster. It is a simple, wizard-based application that can help you change the email client you are using on a daily basis. While email migration might seem difficult at some times, dedicated tools such as Cigati MBOX to Office 365 Migrator Tool might do the trick.
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