Visually manage and organize your disk space - from Windows Explorer! DiskView analyzes your disk space, understands it's structure, assimilates information, and presents it visually so that you can understand and manage your files and folders easily - without stepping out of Windows Explorer.

DiskView helps you find big files at a glance, and visually shows how disk space is organized not only on your computer, but also on network shares and mapped network drives. DiskView uses a combination of color, shape, size, texture and transparency to represent various attributes of the file-system - hidden files and folders are transparent, newer are bright, system files have distinctive patterns and file-system attributes are depicted with icons.

At every folder opening in Windows Explorer, you can view its items' usage percent as a pie or bar chart. With one glance, you can see which files and folders are taking up the most disk-space, and gain an intimate understanding of how disk space is distributed on your computer.