DVR-topA is a powerful and reliable software application thatenables you to store and edit recordings of a Topfield TF4000 formatted drive.
This software creates the appropriate files for DVD authoring. With DVR-topA you can edit recordings, either directly on the receiver disk or export them edited to your PC.
Furthermore you can archived recordings back from your PC to the receiver disk, rename others or delete archived recordings.
Important! You have to mount the receiver disk into your PC to use DVR-topA!
The transfer of a movie of 100 minutes length to the PC or back to the receiver takes approx. 4 minutes.
Here are some key features of "DVR topA":
■ Manage your recordings: sort, rename and remove.
■ Demultiplexing and synchronize recordings to separate MPEG-video and audio files, including AC3. These can be used with DVD-Authoring software.
■ Export recordings to you PC, either complete or edited.
■ Import of archived recordings back to the receiver drive.
■ Display of information about resolution, screen-format and audio-tracks
■ Processing from HDTV records
■ Defining and managing cut-areas, which will be left out for de- or re-multiplexing. Remove ads and trailers!
■ Removal of cut-areas directly in source-file, which will be shortened.
■ Editing is performed correctly, no more fragments or errors while playing
■ Storing of still picture previews to BMP files
■ Easy navigation with preview, navigation buttons, mouse-wheel and keyboard
■ Automatic or manual backup of receiver disks main filesystem information into a file on the PC. No more data loss any more because of accidentally formatted drives
■ Integrity check and repair functions for the filesystem. Recover lost recordings!
■ Configuration settings for file extensions, log files and output directories
■ Complete Online-Help including Tips and FAQ
■ 30-days trial
how to use DVR-topA patch?
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