Give your mom a big smile by making a greeting card especially for her. Include your digital pictures of family, pets and friends. Never again buy her one of those overpriced, mass produced, commercial greeting cards. You love your mom, right?
Birthdays - Anniversaries - Holidays - Get Well - Thank You - Graduation Engagements - Weddings - New Born Babies - Sympathy - Good Luck. So many occasions and so many friends and family.
How many greeting cards do you buy in a year? Easy Card was created to help us all to easily and inexpensively create greeting cards that express our creativity and feelings.
Here are some key features of "Easy Card for Windows":
Windows Integration
■ Integrates with your "My Pictures" folder.
■ Integrated into the web, allowing you to pick and chose which template or image you would like to use from our ever expanding collection.
Text Effects
■ 3D caption object, Photoshop quality drop shadow & outline, and engraved.
■ Print Cards and Envelopes
■ Print the front, back, and insides of the card. Print envelopes using our patented envelope system.
■ The easy card events system can notify you of upcoming events, you can add your own events to this system. On Mac OS X easy card can obtain peoples Birthdays if they have been entered.
Send Card Via Email
■ Send your card through e-mail, they work in 90% of modern (not AOL) e-mail programs.
muito obrigado pela keygen
thanks a lot. it worked.
Thanks a lot for sharing Easy Card for Windows!