Creating original content can prove quite a difficult task, especially over the web. In case you do happen to come up with a neat idea, or simply wish to convert documents or presentations into an online and mobile-friendly, interactive, ebook format, then you might want to try out eFlip.
With the application installed and ready, most of your effort narrows down to deciding what type of content to create, and from what source. Creating a new project brings up a configuration wizard to help you get started. Throughout the steps you can import one or more files under formats like DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, ODT, ODS, ODP, RTF, as well as PDF.
Before being taken to the actual design environment, you have a set of advanced settings at your disposal, which allow you to add text or picture watermark, but also choose the render engine for your book, which can be SWF, GPL Ghostscripts, or Inner Library. It’s possible to enable search, and import bookmarks and links if available.
In terms of initial design, your effort is barely noticeable, especially because the application comes with an impressive variety of themes to choose for your work. All of them act as interactive books, with the possibility to change the theme, or simply the scene at any moment. On the other hand, the application comes with a page editor for thorough tweaking.
The page editor brings up its own window, with generous preview and editing space, upper insert toolbar, as well as page info and navigation panels. Original imported files can be completely altered here, with options to insert links, movie, YouTube and Vimeo videos, sound, image, slider, text, Flash, HotSpots, buttons, shapes, and text buttons.
By default, the application helps you create a desktop-compatible flipbook. However, it comes with support for conversion to formats compatible with devices like iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini, Android phone, and Android tablet.
Another noticeable feature is the possibility to convert. It allows you to generate Flash/HTML 5 content, ZIP, EXE, email to someone, upload to a FTP server, export as a Mac app, generate screensaver, burn to CD/DVD, or integrate as plugin to Joomla, WordPress, or Drupal.
All in all, eFlip is a comprehensive workstation which allows you to effortlessly create flipbooks out of a variety of file types. It also comes with a page editor for fine-tuning content or creating links to external items, while export options make sure you deliver the flipbook in a compatible format with desktop, online, and mobile platforms.
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