Ezee Rank Tracker is a comprehensive and reliable utility that helps you to submit your website, set specific keywords and get accurate reports of your website’s ranking and SERP results in Google, Yahoo and Bing! search engines.

Considering the main purpose for which Ezee Rank Tracker was designed, you have the possibility to track social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn in order to get a better overview of your page rank. What’s more, you can even get up-to-date notifications of potential rank changes, as well as analyze your website’s performance with reliable graphic representations.

The application also allows you to set unlimited keywords for each domain, add personal notes for each keyword and search up to 1000 positions.

Addopting a straightforward approach, Ezee Rank Tracker provides you with separate localization settings for each domain and enables you to facilitate ranking positions of your website with the keywords you want in all domains.

The main window of the utility is very simple and does not require you to make any advanced configurations. Simply add a new project by specifying its name, insert keywords and choose the reporting mode.

Then, select the project from the ‘Dashboard’ tab and check all the keywords. After the checking process is finished, it displays all the results and enables you to represent all the required information using charts. This way, you don’t have to go through the hassle of reading complicated and technical terminologies.

By using Ezee Rank Tracker you can view the latest and up-to-date SEO ranking of your website and get the latest notifications via e-mail each time the utility detects changes.

To sum things up, Ezee Rank Tracker is an effective and accurate rank tracking utility specially intended for users who need to improve SEO rankings and get the latest notifications about website’s evolution and performance.