In case you haven't found out yet, there is a solution to everything, you just need to know where to look. There was a time when CD audio files could only be played from it, but with technology advancing at such rate, it was only a matter of time until applications like “FoxEncoder” were created.

This utility gives you the power to save audio files to your computer that you could not do with a simple command like copy and paste, and finally encoding or converting them to one of the supported formats.

From a distance, “FoxEncoder” looks good. Take a closer look and you will only enhance that first thought. It's obviously simple and it wouldn't even need to be different, with its suggestive 3D styled buttons and the information fields at the bottom of the main window, you can easily adapt and start using the application.

You don't have to be a genius to figure “FoxEncoder” out. Once it runs you are only a few mouse clicks away from finishing your part, most of the task being handled by the application. The only thing you need to worry about is what files you want to be processed. In case of audio tracks, the titles will automatically be added to it's corresponding file.

You can select different output file types, which are some of the most commonly used today, so you can enjoy your music on even the most pretentious device.

FoxEncoder” is the application that will have you digging through your deepest memories or drawers to remember where you left those oldies but goldies that you long forgot about.