HebCalendar is a Hebrew calendar program.
With Hebcalendar, you can:
Show a Hebrew (lunar) or English (civil) calendar for a given month (Civil, 1700-2240; Hebrew, 5460-6000), complete with holidays and Parshiot (weekly Torah Portions).
Show a list of Jewish holidays for any Hebrew year, 5460 to 6000, and view their corresponding civil dates.
Convert a date from Hebrew to English and vice versa.
Display sunrise, sunset, and a list of "Zmanim" (times relevant to Jewish law) for any day from 1801-2099. (PC Version: You can enter latitude, longitude, and time zone, or select from a list of 722 U.S. cities. Mac Version: Zmanim are computed based on the settings in the Map and Date/Time Control Panels.)
Here are some key features of "HebCalendar":
■ printing of calendars
■ holiday lists
■ Zmanim tables
■ copy to clipboard (as EMF on PC)
■ "smart" calculation of Shabbat candle-lighting times
■ customizable toolbar
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