People tend to experiment with their computers quite often. One of the most common types of experimentation is installing multiple operating systems on a single PC.

This can prove to be helpful when you need to work with applications that support only one operating system. Once you finish working on a project, you can load another OS and use that project file in another application. So from this perspective, you can benefit from having multiple operating systems installed.

Due to various reasons, that mostly hit you by surprise, you can face a situation where your system insists in loading a specific OS instead of letting you choose which one you want. This can be caused by conflicts that arise due to the fact that the operating systems in question are installed on different partitions.

Hide Drive(s) is a tool designed to help you avoid such conflicts by allowing you to hide specific drives on your computer, meaningly, drives that carry the OS installations. The selected drives are rendered inaccessible and consequently, your system has no problems in choosing which OS to load.

The application itself is very easy to use. All you have to do is open it, select a drive from D to I and then reboot your system for the changes to take effect. Once the computer restarts, you’ll see that the selected partition isn’t literally hidden but looks like an empty drive. This also applies when loading the operating system in Safe Mode.

Though it’s not its intended purpose, Hide Drive(s) can also be used to hide personal information and keep it safe. The only problem is to hide the application itself because undoing the partition hide is just as simple. You simply uncheck the target drive and restart your computer.

In closing, Hide Drive(s) is a practical tool that helps you deal with multiple operating systems conflicts in a simple and fast way.