Icon Grabber is a simple to handle piece of software that was developed to help you extract the icon from your files, supporting numerous file formats and batch operations, to save you time.

The application features a very minimalistic user interface, its main window simply allowing you to define the source directory for the targeted files and the corresponding extension.

While it poses no difficulty for computer novices, more advanced individuals might find Icon Grabber a tad underwhelming, given its reduced functionality.

For starters, the only method of defining the source directory for the files whose icons you wish to extract is by either manually inputting the corresponding path or by pasting it from clipboard into the dedicated field. Drag and drop actions are, however, not supported.

Next, you can enter the extension type you want Icon Grabber to focus on, for instance EXE. This basically concludes the extent of user-intervention that the program permits, as from this point on, there is nothing left for you to do, other than press the ‘Extract’ or ‘Extract All’ button, the latter of which is aimed at batch operations.

The generated icons are automatically exported to a default location, C:Temp, from where you can retrieve them. Icon Grabber allows no room for customizing the process in any way, let alone enable you to further edit or adjust the generated files.

To sum it up, Icon Grabber is an extremely basic and restrictive utility which aims to assist you in extracting icons from your files. Given its price and the very limited functionality, it is doubtable that it will attract many followers, particularly when considering its competition in the field.