Since most of the the activity on your computer takes place online, you are constantly required to authenticate yourself on a variety of websites, such as email clients or social networks. Hence, you may happen to forget some of the passwords or user credentials, especially if you use different information for each one of them.

In order to keep track of all the accounts, you can make use of a software utility such as IntelligentAccountMaster, which enables you to store your authentication information in a secure environment, from where they can easily be retrieved. In addition, the application can also automatically enter the data when websites prompt you for your credentials, which saves you a great deal of time.

The saved accounts are displayed in a list, which can be easily sorted by the desired field, in case you need to find a specific website or a certain username. Furthermore you can choose to show all the passwords in plain text for 5 seconds, in order to quickly see the one you are having trouble remembering. They can also be copied into the clipboard by accessing the right-click menu.

Once your list reaches a certain number of entries, you may consider performing a backup operation on it, so that you can be able to recover it in case of file corruption or accidental deletion. The utility allows you to handle backups by simply pressing the appropriate button and choosing an output folder, while the restore procedure involves searching for the aforementioned file on your computer.

Moreover, when you are adding a new entry, the application provides you with a few useful templates and patterns, which allow you to quickly select the account type you are trying to register. Hence, you are able to choose between Facebook, Amazong, PayPal and Google Mail templates, or simply create a blank one from scratch.

Although it may not be that safe to keep all of your accounts into a single application, IntelligentAccountMaster allows you to add a password to protect them. Thus, you can safely auto-login on any of your favorite websites and not worry about credentials or forgotten passwords.