Personal security and anonymity in the online environment is a real concern for most people, as there are always means for websites or people with nefarious intentions to capture the private data you leak onto the web and use it against you.
One method of protecting yourself is to hide your IP address when browsing the Internet, using various Virtual Private Networks and mask your online identity. You can do that with tools like IPinator VPN.
After launching the program, it will display your current IP address and inform you that you are not protected. A set of ‘Quick Settings’ can be configured, while from a dedicated menu, the preferred server can be selected.
Moreover, IPinator VPN offers more ‘Settings’ and ‘Advanced Settings’, so you can customize the functioning of the application as much as possible, ensuring it suits your necessities.
When running the utility, you can opt for ‘IP Rotation’ at regular intervals, having the possibility of removing the browsing cookies with each change. In addition, you can favor a US-based IP address, should you need to access a regionally-restrict website, for instance.
As for IP addresses that you can choose from the dedicated menu, you have a wide array of options from the United States, from all over the continent, but also Austria, Australia, France, Germany, United Kingdom, India, Israel, Japan, Poland, Romania, Russia and many other countries.
The ‘Settings’ section lets you define the Internet applications whose IP you need to mask, while the advanced area allows you to hide or change the user agent, encrypt your connection with SSL or activate ‘Smart IP Rotation’.
All in all, IPinator VPN is a useful and practical piece of software that you can resort to whenever you are browsing in unsafe environments, such as public Internet connections, but even from your own, in order to ensure your anonymity is preserved at all times.
Joao Pedro
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