This is the professional edition of KaraWin, a Karaoke player that offers support for a wide range of audio file types, including MP3, Midi, OGG, WMA, WAV and KAR.

It has a built-in file browser that permits you to rapidly locate audio tracks, MP3 tags and lyrics editor, history view, file finder, and more.

The setup procedure doesn't take a long time to finish. At startup you can select a preferred UI language and Midi output device.

Wrapped up in a large window with a neatly organized structure, KaraWin Pro isn't hard to navigate. On the other hand, it's obvious that the app hasn't been updated for a very long by judging the quality of the UI graphical elements.

It's possible to explore directories and insert selected tracks into the karaoke jukebox, edit lyrics and MP3 tags, as well as to convert files to WAV, MP3, WMA or OGG format.

What's more, you can print the list of all tracks and their information from the current directory, use a basic search function to track down a particular song, add comments to tracks in the jukebox, create playlists, view history of played songs, as well as adjust Midi settings when ti comes to the volume level, tempo, pitch, balance, vocal removal, reverberation, echo, compressor, and other aspects.

KaraWin Pro also features a basic piano window where you can choose the channels, a multimedia window that allows you to apply background images and load videos, access the Windows Mixer, create and save presets, and so on.

The tool didn't put a strain on the overall performance of the machine in our testing, thanks to the fact that it needed low CPU and RAM to work properly. It didn't hang, crash or display error messages either.

However, KaraWin Pro clearly needs a makeover in the looks department, since it's a distraction from the product's advanced functions. Otherwise, the utility sports practical and useful features for organizing fun karaoke nights with friends.