Kindle books have become increasingly common, more so since various online sites have allowed anyone to publish their books. Kindle Writer is an application that supports users in the creation of a Kindle book, from start to finish, including the cover and the actual publishing.
Creating a book is a serious endeavor that requires a large commitment and an even larger amount of work. When users first open Kindle Writer they are presented with a series of categories that essentially cover the book making process from start to finish. There are areas for the planning part, the actual writing, the artwork and the small descriptions.
Rather than each button opening up a separate area, a more tabbed system might work better, yet given the complexity of some of the individual areas, that would not always be possible. While the interface can be a bit confusing in places, overall, Kindle Writer provides a comprehensive, yet daunting interface.
The detail in Kindle Writer is impressive with the amount of support it includes. The program provides tools to write directly in the Kindle format, but also includes PDF to Kindle and Word to Kindle converters. The versatility means that users can write in whatever format that suits them, then adapt it to the Kindle format.
Kindle Writer also provides links to publishing group for Kindle books, making it easy for users to sell their book once it's actually finished. The start to finish approach is backed up by several tools to enhance images, design covers, make thumbnails, write blurbs and a background maker. The program is also affordable, presenting a wide array of tools for a reasonable amount.
All in all, Kindle Writer is a useful application, while it is not necessary for writing Kindle books, it provides an array of tools that users might not have. The cover creation tools and all the other support, along with the essentials all stored in one place, make Kindle Writer a worthwhile investment that users will be satisfied with.
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