No matter how much time you invest in keeping your music collection in tip-top shape, there is also room for improvement, and a software solution could be the one putting the finishing touches.

Leawo Tunes Cleaner is one such application that takes it upon itself to manage your iTunes library and other folders you may store on your computer.

First things first, a few words are in order about the program’s user interface, which is intuitive and should raise no difficulties whatsoever.

As for precisely how the program can be of help, it is important to mention that it can clean your iTunes library once you let it scan your collection, with the number of analyzed songs as well as problems associated with them being displayed in a short amount of time.

Applying the fixes for the found issues is one click away, and the same ease of use describes the task of cleaning up audio files stored in local folders. You get to know whether your songs come with incomplete metadata or other issues, with a score being given to the state of your music compilation.

Other than that, a duplicate finder is put at your disposal as well, with two types of scans being available. To be more specific, you can carry out either a quick or deep scan, with the former letting you filter results based on name, artist, album, file size, or time.

Plus, you can inspect your duplicates removal history in order to keep track of previous tasks, with these options being once again available not only for iTunes but also for your local music collection.

On an ending note, Leawo Tunes Cleaner is an easy-to-use piece of software that helps you get rid of duplicates in your music collection – be it stored in your iTunes library or local files – while also being capable of filling in missing information about your songs.

All the fixes it can apply take little to no effort on the user’s part, with the program proving a great tool for all levels of experience.