Studying certain maps of geographical areas has greatly improved thanks to the use of satellite imagery. With the development of global map viewing software that use the Internet to load Earth images, it is now easier to check the layout of a city or the characteristics of certain terrain or regions.

Maps Downloader for Yahoo Satellite is one such application that allows you to download map portions provided by Yahoo Satellite service, then save them on your computer. In order to properly work, the application requires your computer to be connected to the Internet.

Satellite imagery viewing programs, although very useful, have certain drawbacks, especially when it comes to slow Internet connections or even their absence. Another minor drawback that you may encounter is the fact that you might not need to study the entire terrain layout of the planet Earth, but just a certain area.

With the help of Maps Downloader for Yahoo Satellite, you can overcome such problems, by saving only certain map portions. Using the global map provided, you can zoom in as much as you want and select the map area that you need downloaded.

The application gives you the possibility to freely select the map area that you want to download, so that you can study it offline, for instance.

In addition, you can use the predefined location bookmarks and directly jump to a city location. The program will conveniently select the zoom for that location, enabling you to quickly choose the optimal map area of a city and it’s surroundings.

To conclude, you can use Maps Downloader for Yahoo Satellite to conveniently pick out map areas that you are interested into, then download them on your computer for offline analysis and study.