Meeting Manager is a reliable utility which can help you calculate the exact price per meeting, depending on its duration and the number of attendees. The software features a clear-cut interface, with a resizable window, which is suitable for display on large screens.

Meeting Manager features a simplistic interface, with visually appealing font and pleasant contrast against the dark background. This feature makes it suitable for display in the meeting room, in order to keep the participants up to date with the exact duration/cost, but not distracting them.

The software is easy to use and allows you to configure the details of the meeting, by entering the exact number of participants. Moreover, you can easily switch between the currencies in which the price is being calculated, since the cost is displayed on the screen.

The number of participants’ groups, as well as the currency can be changed from the Options menu, while the exact number of attendees can be modified from the Configuration window. The difference between them is that the Configuration window can be accessed at any time, even while the meeting is ongoing, as opposed to the Options menu.

The cost of any meeting depends on the number of participants and on its duration, which is why Meeting Manager can help you easily calculate it. The price displayed on the screen can be updated every second or every minute, depending on your preferences.

The exact number of attendees, for each group can easily be set and edited in the meeting configuration window. This window can be accessed even during the meeting, in case a new member joins the group.

Meeting Manager is not only a useful time estimating tool, but it can also calculate the price of a meeting and display it in real time. The software relies on two variables in its algorithm, namely the duration and the number of participants. The duration can be calculated in minutes and hours, only the price is being updated every minute.