Multiple Choice Quiz Maker is a program with a pretty self-explanatory name - it allows non-programmers to seamlessly create quizzes with multiple choices.

The interface of the app is based on a standard window where you can get started by writing the quiz title.

When you add a question, you can make Multiple Choice Quiz Maker display up to five answers. The questions can be accompanied by explanations, images and other media types. Thus, the quiz contains some customization features.

For instance, you can insert line breaks, comments, SubScript and SuperScript characters, configure font settings (e.g. type, color, size) and pick the headings type, as well as add feedback to the respective question, or tips to the answers.

In addition, you can change the background color or attach an image to it, insert a floating menu, include sound, randomize questions and answers, toggle between several answer markers and save quiz participant data.

Moreover, you can restrict user access by password-protecting the quiz, allow browser refreshes and preview results, among many other options. The quiz can be saved to an encrypted HTML document, Microsoft web archive, PHP file, ebook or SCROM zip package.

Multiple Choice Quiz Maker uses a moderate amount of system resources, has a good response time and includes a complete help file, along with tips displays in the main application window. We have not come across any issues during our evaluation.

All in all, Multiple Choice Quiz Maker comes with a wide range of customizable features that can be easily figured out, even by inexperienced users. Aside from some GUI improvements in the visual department, Multiple Choice Quiz Maker proves to be a great solution for creating quizzes with complex tools.