Sound synthesizers and musical instrument emulators have been around for a while now, so those working in music production should be pretty well familiarized with them. Those who need to bring in their compositions the genuine sound of a Les Paul guitar can choose MusicLab RealLPC to carry out this task.

The interface of this software solution is quite appealing and also with all the commands neatly structured into a clean layout, where everything is at hand.

The main window has several areas where specific functions are brought together, as well as several tabs under which the various tools it is equipped with are hosted

MusicLab RealLPC supports a wide variety of filters and enhancements that can be applied in order to obtain the exact sound and feel you are looking for. With numerous effects and chords adjustments, this program has a lot to offer for the professional as well as the amateur guitarist.

Bundled in the package are a mixer for noises and sounds, as well as one for special effects, not to mention the strum time, attack time and release time sliders. Tuning pitch and modulation can be done in the same way as the above-mentioned modifications

The wide variety of patterns that are built-in MusicLab RealLPC covers pretty much all the main music genres from jazz and funk to rock and rhythm&blues.

The impressive range of features that are included in this application are enough to place it among the best tools of its kind. Through a friendly interface the user can benefit with virtually no efforts from everything MusicLab RealLPC has to offer.