In order to test if your network is suitable for VoIP connections, you need a reliable software solution that can benchmark this. One such program is MyConnection PC VoIP Edition.

The application gives you the possibility to test out the capabilities of your Internet connection and establish if you can sustain a VoIP service. It requires Java installed on your computer in order to properly work.

The program can help you determine your Internet connection’s download and upload speed, then establish if it is suitable for a fully fledged VoIP service. This way, you can establish if you need a better connection, a better computer or equipment to handle such a service.

Additionally, the application scans your Jitter and Packet Loss, as these are the main problems when it comes to VoIP communication, and not broadband connection as one would think. High values of these parameters indicate that the connection is unstable and unsuitable for VoIP services.

The application provides you with the tools necessary to test not just your VoIP service availability, but also the data rate a connection can sustain or the real end-to-end speed that a TCP application can achieve for the connection it is being tested for.

All this information is conveniently displayed using graphs or charts, which can help you understand the way your network connections work with other applications, especially VoIP services.

To sum it up, MyConnection PC VoIP Edition helps you determine if your network can fully sustain a VoIP connection, by testing the values of the Jitter and Packet Loss, which are the main parameters to keep an eye upon when it comes to VoIP services and the connection between you and other machines.