Described as a meditation helper, NimbusMind comes equipped with plenty of ways to initiate you on the calming path of meditation, and its process.

Some may be surprised when they'll discover this application, but for people who are looking explicitly for something like this, for people who let stress, tension or anxiety is weigh them down and affect their lifestyle, this compelling application could mean more than some may think.

Each of us can experience such moods or emotions at one time or another. Or maybe we just want to forget about everything else for a bit and try to increase our focusing capacity. This app can assist you with that too.

The app is aimed towards people who are new to the concept of meditation and everything that surrounds it. It provides you with ways to learn how to meditate by including plenty of guided audio meditation sessions or full series collected for specific moods, which can be set to a preferred duration as well.

Although it is perfect for beginners, NimbusMind has enough programs for both intermediate or advanced users. And besides the recorded sessions that can help you learn and relax, you have plenty of other features that can contribute to the enhancement of your meditation practice.

Some of these features are the Ambient Background Sounds, such as the sound of a flowing river or singing birds, Background Themes, that include both animated and static wallpapers, or Background Music, for sleep, meditation or relaxation.

Relax. Take a deep breath and a step back. It is time for you to learn how to reduce the stress that's present in your life, with the help of NimbusMind.