There’s so much content online that it’s getting difficult for us to consume everything we want. This is why we often decide to save a lot of stuff for later, either through aptly placed bookmarks or, you know, by simply downloading the content.

In fact, there are myriads of programs out there specifically designed to download content directly from any website. If something is online, then you can probably find a way to save it to your computer. Well, today we’re going to take a look at one of those programs, which goes by the name of Offliner.

I should mention from the very beginning that Offliner is designed mainly as a mobile app. It’s probably a very useful mobile app too, since it allows you to save either webpages, or videos, or audio content like songs and podcasts. And you’ve probably found yourself in a situation when you wanted to read or watch or listen to something on your phone, but the timing was just off.

Well, with Offliner you can simply get the stuff and view it whenever the time is right; you could even download content when you’re on Wi-Fi and then view it offline, so you can save precious data. Sounds great, right?

But, since I’m not reviewing the mobile version, the question is: how well does Offliner work as a desktop app?

The program’s interface is obviously imported directly from the mobile version, without many modifications. However, when you wish to open web pages, audio files or videos, Offliner will use your default browser, audio player or video player respectively.

Offliner also has three default folders that help you keep your media library organized, but you can create additional folders if you buy the pro version. Though it’s not a unique tool, it can still be useful if you just need to save content on your computer and view it at a later time, when you won’t have any Internet access.