Pixelapse is a reliable service for online file storage, as well as a desktop program that facilitates file sharing from your computer to the specific cloud account. Pixelapse is a tool capable of helping you setup project development and team cooperation, while offering a comprehensive and user-friendly work environment.

Similar to other file sharing applications, Pixelapse creates a special folder on your computer, one that you can easily relocate to a preferred location. Thus, all the files that you move into that particular folder are instantly sent to the online account, where they can be viewed and managed by a series of authorised users.

The software facilitates file synchronizing, but it also stands as a useful tool for quickly sharing projects with other team members. All files updated to the cloud account are sorted by the date they were added, for easy identification. The desktop application allows you to keep track of the file sync progress, indicates the amount of space left on the storage area and enables you to pause/resume the syncing at any moment.

Each project you create online is reflected on your desktop by a sub-folder in the Pixelapse directory. Thus, you can easily add or remove files for specific projects as if handling files in a local folder. You can easily save files you create with certain programs straight into the Pixelapse folder and view as they are automatically uploaded onto the cloud.

Moreover, it supports several types of file formats and allows you to manage files created with designing programs, such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks, OmniGraffle or InDesign. Additionally, it can easily render front-end text files in CSS, HTML, JS and MD.

The Pixelapse desktop application enables you to manage the contents of an online project and facilitates development, team work, task assignment plus real time notifications. It helps you fuel the project, by easily sharing local files, as well as create a link with Dropbox. Pixelapse can start with Windows and run in the background at all times, thus helping you monitor the evolution of your project.