Now that technology no longer knows boundaries when it comes to the platforms, its no surprise that you can, for example, get SMS to your email inbox, or vice-versa.

The problem is that if you have this feature activated, you are most likely a busy person that spends their time working, even when they are away from the office.

That is when a program such as SMS4Mail can come in handy, as it is an easy SMS to Email filter, allowing you always to know which mail inbox entries are SMS messages from your phone.

SMS4Mail can be used to set up multiple criteria to search the Outlook unread mail's "From" and "Subject," thus filtering emails and converse to SMS to mobile phones when they meet the setting criteria

Only the e-mails that meet those criteria will be sent to your phone, and they will only be sent once, without any duplicate SMS sending.

You can set the program to check for new emails over a given time interval, and you can insert a string in "From" or "Subject" as filtering criteria.

More so, you can choose to have these filtered messages to be displayed in a simplified version, made up of only the "Body" and the "Subject," without the "From" or the "Date".

If you happen not to have the sender's email address but know their phone number, you can add it as the source of the email instead of the address.

Anti-Spam features are also installed in the form of a limit of messages you can get from a single sender daily, with the limit being customizable by the user.

Another neat feature is that you can use the app in reverse, allowing you to send SMS texts to a person's email address using the exact contact info you inserted earlier.

While SMS4Mail may seem simple enough, what it does is something that will make most businessmen thankful for its features, since it can greatly reduce email cluttering on your phone, and ensure that only the important elements get through.