More often than naught, the activity we perform on our computers requires high concentration, and this means we will not be resting our eyes as we should. While desktop screensavers are intended to liven up our computers, some are designed to be of more use to our health.
By definition, this application is not complicated and does not need powerful systems to run accordingly. The installation process is straightforward and efficient, allowing you to view the screensaver as soon as possible.
The software can be opened from the system tray of your computer by double-clicking on the icon. You can also access its minimalistic settings by right-clicking. As with any screensaver, you can open the dedicated window from your operating system and modify your waiting time.
The imagery is not extremely well designed, but it does have its perks. The color scheme is mellow, and it will provide much-needed comfort to your tired eyes. Moreover, the animations are circular, and if you have the patience to follow it, you will relax your eye muscles.
Unfortunately, the good things stop here. The application is too minimalistic, as it does not provide other settings or other types of animations. You can program it to run on startup, but you cannot control the speed or alter its color scheme, nor does it react to your mouse pointer as you scroll on the desktop.
In conclusion, Soft Shines 3D Screensaver is an application designed to be of use to you and pleasing to the eyes. It does have its advantages, but several drawbacks will deter you from enjoying it. There is not much value to be had for the listed price.
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