Songverter is a karaoke music track converter that offers users a simple, easy to use interface and a few advanced features.

Installing and running the application poses no problem. Its interface is intuitive and self-explanatory. It features two panels which can be used to list and select files that the user wants to convert and those that have been already converted. The buttons one has to press are numbered in the order they need to be pressed and everything is designed to be as intuitive as possible.

In order to convert files, one first has to add some to the conversion queue. This can be done using the 'Browse' button in the top left corner of the 'Source' panel. Users can then select which folder to add files from.

Once this step is complete, they can filter and select which tracks they actually want to convert. The application provides two means of doing this. Users can select the format of the files they wish to convert from a drop-down menu and, optionally, further filter the results by means of the application's search feature.

Once they have narrowed down the list of songs, they can easily select one, several, or all of them and configure the output and destination settings in order to begin the conversion process. The format of the output files, as well as the compression level can be selected and the destination folder specified from the dedicated panel. Pressing the last button ( Convert Now ) initiates the process.

Though the conversion process is simple, and takes very little time, the application also provides users with some more advanced features.

For example, when the conversion is complete, the application generates a log which contains a list of files that have been successfully converted and one containing those which could not be converted. The application can also be configured to delete the original files or to recreate the structure of the source folder at the destination address.

These options can come in handy for those users who want to fine tune and organize their collection.

This easy to use application can be of help to those who want to convert and reorganize their karaoke track collection.