If dealing with old audio recordings, users might have difficulties when trying to recover them in order to provide a better sound quality. Swezey Digital Filter is a Java-based application that was designed in order to offer people a tool for cleaning and restoring old audio recordings that could have poor quality. It will offer a collection of audio processing tools that will help them filter their audio files in order to achieve the preferred output quality.

Swezey Digital Filter comes packed with a basic interface that will offer a crude layout that will enable users to input their audio files, preview their signal waveform and apply corrections. One can add audio files from both local or remote sources and play them in order to preview their waveform.

Users can access an extensive library of predefined audio controls that will enable them to add multiple adjustments to the files that need to be cleaned: stereo combiner, spectral subtraction, limit and squelch, high pass filters or bass equalization. Each control will open a separate floating module and the application will allow one to open as many as necessary.

People will be able to perform audio filtering in realtime, thanks to the Shortwave Listening capabilities that will allow them to reduce the background noise considerably. A library of predefined audio profiles will assist users in finding the right format for their files and in addition to this, the application provides a sound capture module that can easily save the processed files.

One downside is the very limited audio format support, that might frustrate experienced users. In spite of its general easy-to-use interface and accessible tools, this application does require some knowledge of audio parameters and processing. Novice users are advised to perform a thorough documentation before deciding to handle what Swezey Digital Filter has to offer.

For users who require a straightforward tool that can can help them recover old sound recordings, this application might just be what they’re looking for. It will offer multiple tools for controlling the audio signal characteristics and filters that are aimed at cleaning the audio recordings and boosting their quality.