GitHub, you may have heard your geeky developer friends rant about it on and on, and for good reason, since it's the best repository hosting service with integrated version control and collaboration features out there.

Since its collaboration features are not exactly top notch, you might be forced to switch back and forth between more capable project management apps, other collaboration tools, and GitHub, especially when working on massive multi team-based projects.

If you feel that your team is losing valuable time with this type of fragmented workflow, you can give ZenHub for GitHub a quick try-out since chances are, you'll not be disappointed.

With goals as high as centralizing your team's data and environments, as well as eliminating distractions, this efficient and well-thought-out Chrome extension adds a project management dashboard right into GitHub's web-based interface.

It's just as easy to install as any other Chrome Web Store extension, it lives in the typical place on the right side of Chrome's address bar, and it requires you to log into GitHub and authorize its access before you can actually use it.

From this point onwards, visit any repository, and you should be able to see a new Boards section on GitHub's interface. Either click it or use the B key, and you are greeted by a flexible and super-handy dashboard with lots of project management features right on display.

Some of the highlights include an advanced task board with multi-repo support, a comprehensive reporting suite with all the native, neatly-organized GitHub elements such as Milestones, issues, and pull request, as well as Slack, HipChat, Spark, and Gitter integrations. In addition, with the help of this extension, you can also estimate sprint planning-related issues a lot more accurate and group issues into "epics" to achieve better results.

All in all, we can safely say that ZenHub for GitHub is an essential development tool for any team working on the world's most popular repository platform. It comes with an attractive approach of augmenting GitHub's rather limited collaboration and collaboration repertoire by smoothly-injecting all sorts of useful productivity-enhancing features via an intuitive Dashboard.

Advanced GitHub users will surely frown upon the fact that, as with all things, ZenHub for GitHub could be better, but even so, it's no denying that this tool makes GitHub a far better and more "zen" place for developer teams.