Avoiding the issues that might occur when dealing with multiple mailboxes in a corporate or business environment can sometimes require ingenious workarounds. One good example of such an issue is the fact that Outlook users will encounter problems when wanting to save draft messages when working on shared mailboxes, as the saving process will automatically send the said draft away to their personal address, and not the original, working one. CoolDraft for Outlook will allow you to address and resolve such problems.

This specialized Outlook add-on was created specifically in order to offer you a tool that will ensure that the email messages that are created with the second mailbox’s From address field, will remain in the original mailbox after saving, therefore enabling them to keep working on the message from the same mailbox.

The main working principle of the add-on relies on scanning the sender address of each saved message in the main mailbox’s Draft folder, and in the eventuality of any matches with the additional mailbox name, it performs an automated move of the message to the appropriate Drafts folder.

Last but not least, due to its .msi format distribution, it means that CoolDraft for Outlook will be able to be deployed on computers or users in organizations based on the Windows Group Policy Software Installation.