Emails are a commonality of our times, and the prevalence of digital correspondence exemplifies their viability. It's only natural for users to want to preserve some of their emails: perhaps to look back on them from time to time, or to keep them for posterity. Either way, there are several options to help them achieve that.

You could manually screenshot your stuff, but that's a bit forced — so how does one extract their emails? Dedicated software to optimize such a workflow exists, and Advance Gmail Emails Extractor grants users the possibility to effortlessly extract their emails as .txt or .csv files.

Owing to the app's name, a user might expect such a piece of software to be among the more complicated programs to operate. That couldn't be further from the truth, however, as the tool is very straightforward with its procedures: create an account on the developer's website, then input your Gmail address.

The tool will then fetch your email categories, and you have a few choices to make here. You can either have the program scan your entire inbox, or you can only specify specific folders from your Gmail account. This type of specificity helps a lot with efficiency, as it's doubtful a user might want to extract and save all the newsletters that were sent to them over the years.

After scanning, you'll be able to select and go through the mails you want to export. If you want to optimize the process, you can use filters to exclude certain domains, users, and body or title items. Especially as many email addresses date many years back, such facilities can tidy everything up at once.

Users can then save their emails as .txt or .csv files. Unfortunately, the Free tier is extremely limiting in this regard, as you're not allowed to save your emails at all. We were thus not able to verify how the correspondence would be exported: it would've been nice of the program to permit us to at least have a glance at its exporting capabilities.

Advance Gmail Emails Extractor looks like a promising piece of software. Locking one of the main features of the program behind a paywall was a bit miffing to deal with, however, so I cannot fully attest that everything works as well as the developer claims — mainly due to the lack of even the remotest access to the Save function.