Organizing data in a tabular fashion might be one of the most effective and elegant solutions when dealing with analysis requirements, or needing to easily draw trends or conclusions at a glance. However, complex database systems and related software can sometimes seem daunting in their complicated approach, internal elements, syntax, and relationships. Integrand’s take on database and table management is far simpler and more straightforward, and it will enable users to easily create, edit and manage multiple tables simultaneously.

Users will be able to access the application’s features quite easily, as those are readily available on the interface as dedicated buttons, which we feel manage to improve handling efficiency and overall accessibility.

One can easily create one or multiple tables, populate them with rows and columns, clear the loaded data, as well as save the built tables to disk, or, load existing ones. However, the application only works with plain text files.

As stated in the previous paragraph, users will be able to either create or load existing tables and add multiple rows and columns. Several tables can be visualized simultaneously, but their arrangement in the interface cannot be controlled.

Furthermore, the headers of tables can also be edited, and a dedicated search function will allow users to easily run searches and quickly determine the tabular position of a particular entry in their datasets.

Simple in looks and handling, Integrand can prove to be a valuable asset when wanting to organize data in a tabular fashion, as it will offer a minimalist and straightforward way of doing so.