SWF Maestro EXE PRO enables you to create time-limited and feature-restricted commercial products to be distributed on a try-before-you-buy basis. Create and sell learning tools and tutorials, limiting pre-sale users to just a few topics or exercises.

Distribute evaluation versions of computer games where unregistered users can only access a few levels, or limit access to a collection of video clips or music tunes by allowing only some clips to be played. Your users will require a valid license key to activate your product's full functionality.

SWF Maestro EXE PRO makes it impossible to create a third-party key generator for your products by protecting them with strong keys based on asymmetrical cryptography.

Choose exactly the type of protection required by your application. You can tie the use of your product to a particular computer by opting for hardware-locked keys, and issue a name-locked key to license a single user or organization. Sell subscription-based products or make your licenses expire after a certain date with time-limited keys.

Automate distribution and licensing of your products with unique, per-product automatic license key generators created separately for each compilation. The key generators accept command line options and provide console output, allowing you to easily automate license key generation using scripts.

Increase your download-to-purchase conversion rate by including custom Purchase Reminder screens reminding your users to buy the product they are evaluating.

Impress your customers with stunning visual effects by using objects of variable shape and translucency with complex semi-transparent shadows. All types of SWF files are supported, including those created with Flash, Flex and similar products.

Here are some key features of "SWF Maestro EXE PRO":

There are two versions of the SWF Maestro compiler with different purposes: SWF Maestro (EXE) and SWF Maestro (SCR). The EXE version is used to create SWF projectors, programs, presentations, games, training courses and other applications, while the SCR version is used to create screensavers. Select the version you need to solve your tasks.

The exclusive format of our compiler allows you to create and modify applications easily. All settings are sorted by their purpose and you can always quickly come back to the setting you need to make the necessary changes.

You do not understand what this setting is for, do you? You can quickly open a tip in any part of the compiler and it will explain you the purpose of any setting.

Do you create a lot of applications/projectors? Want to update them in future? SWF Maestro saves all settings in a separate project file for each application. It will allow you to come back to the created projects and recompile applications without any difficulties.

SWF Maestro supports any SWF files created with Flash, Flex, etc.

You can include absolutely any files used by your SWF application in your program, game or screensaver: images, audio, video, XML, etc.

Create applications with subdirectories to get more flexibility. Applications compiled with SWF Maestro can have the tree of files and directories as complicated as you want. For instance, it allows you to structure your application in such a way that image files are located in one directory, video files are located in another directory, sound files are located in a third directory, etc.

Applications created with other compilers may extract files to a temporary directory before opening them, which makes it possible to steal your files and import them in other application. Due to a special architecture, when you start an application compiled with SWF Maestro, your files are not extracted into any temporary directories, which protects your files against being stolen. After you compile an application, all its files are built into one executable file and are not extracted anywhere.

SWF files compiled with SWF Maestro support special FSCommand calls. They allow you to store user-defined data, work with system dialog boxes, unpack your files to the specified location, build dynamic context menus and much more.

You can specify absolutely any text to be displayed in the upper left part of the window and on the taskbar button of your application.

You can create windowless applications whose appearance is completely based on the SWF file. For example, if an SWF file displays a ball with a transparent shadow, the user will see only the ball with a smooth shadow on the desktop and nothing else. This feature allows you to create applications with unusual windows and also desktop pets (screenmates).

You can make a transparent window draggable. It will allow users to move the window by clicking any visible part of the window.

You specify the size of the window to be used when the application is opened.

SWF Maestro can read the header of the SWF file in order to make the width and height of the window exactly fit the width and height of the SWF file.

Applications compiled with SWF Maestro support the full-screen mode.

If you do not want the user to be able to resize the window and to use the Minimize/Maximize buttons in the upper right corner of the window, disable these features.

You can add a context menu opened with a right click to your application. The context menu can consist of either standard "Play, Stop, Rewind…" options or custom options that call the functions of the SWF application.

When the user opens the 'Display' settings and selects a screensaver created with SWF Maestro, he or she will see the actual SWF in the Preview window.

It is possible to create a customizable screensaver. When the user opens the 'Settings..' menu of the screensaver, he or she can customize it.

■ Custom Icon.

Create your own icon for your application so that your application stands out against other applications on the user's computer.

You can specify any version info in your application. The user sees this information when he or she opens the application properties.

Applications can check their integrity. If someone decides to introduce changes into your application, the application would not open.

SWF Maestro compilation algorithms are as optimized as possible. The application is compiled really fast.

The strong compression algorithm reduces the size of files after they are compiled. Later they are unpacked on the fly without a single byte of information being lost! That is why after you publish your application on your website, it will be possible to download it even with a slow Internet connection.

By default, all files are packed into one .exe (.scr) file. However, sometimes (for example, when you need to include a large amount of data in the application (more than 20MB)) it is better to pack them into a separate .dat file because the operating system may load large executable file quite long.

You can automate some tasks that are performed right after compilation. For example, signing the application using Authenticode (Makecert, Signtool.exe), applying additional EXE packers (such as UPX), creating the application installation package (Inno Setup, Nullsoft Scriptable Install System), protecting the application with special tool (for example, with Digital River Armadillo), executing batch files (.bat), etc.

The preview feature allows you to see your application in operations without compiling it. It is very convenient if the application consists of a large number of files and it takes a while to compile it.

The compiled application does not contain any "made with…" or other strings that cannot be edited.

Limit the functionality of your application for the user to have to register the application and enter a license key in order to disable the limitations. It will allow you to earn money using your products. Or you can offer free registration and it will help you promote your website and other products and services.

SWF Maestro PRO creates stand-alone key generators for products. It will allow you to give access to the key generator to a person who will be responsible for sending license keys to customers.

SWF Maestro PRO can also create key generators controlled from the command line. It allows you to generate keys from external applications and scripts, which makes it possible to automate the key generation process.

Using asymmetric encryption algorithms makes it impossible for hackers to create their own key generators.

License keys can be locked to the user's computer. It makes it impossible to illegally use a key on several computers.

You can specify an expiration period for a generated key. After this period expires, the key will become invalid and the program will offer the user to update it.

Also, the key generator can add a small string with custom data to a license key. Your application will later be able to use this data, which allows you to add your own license conditions (for instance, the number of levels available in a game).

You can limit access to the files of your application for unregistered users. In this case, an unregistered user will be able to access only a limited number of files in the application. The user will have to get registered in order to access all files. This limitation type is effective for applications consisting of a lot of files.

During the compilation process, SWF Maestro PRO encrypts files protected against being viewed by unregistered users. Encrypted files cannot be decrypted until the user enters his or her registration name and key.

You can limit the use of your application by unregistered users to a certain period of time (days or launches). After the trial period is over, they will have to register to continue using the application.

When an unregistered user tries to access a protected file or when the trial period expires, the application will show the user its reminder screen. It will allow the user to register in order to disable the limitations.

The appearance of the reminder screen does not fit into the style of your application, does it? No problem. The FLA file of the standard reminder screen coming with the program will allow you to easily modify it and make it look the way you like it.

The entire set of the abovementioned features provides you with unlimited freedom in realizing your creative ideas!


■ 128MB of RAM

■ 5MB of free hard disk space.


■ Software products created with SWF Maestro can be only launched and used on the same computer where they have been compiled. If you wish to share, distribute or sell products compiled with SWF Maestro, you MUST register it.

■ The demo version adds a popup window opened each time the compiled application is started to all applications created with it.

■ Some Protection features (Limitations, Reminder screen, Key generator) are disabled