IrcamLab The Snail is an audio analysis tool with a different approach. It represents the polyphonic data it receives as input in s so-called snail view, placing music notes into spectrally active zones. Thanks to the new demodulated phase technology it relies on, it provides enhanced precision while analyzing the frequency domain.

The purpose of the application is to carefully analyze spectral components and build the spiral skeleton of the snail, with low notes closer to the center. One octave is represented by a turn, and magnitude is displayed as brightness.

The snail is not the only way audio data can be visualized in IrcamLab The Snail. The application also generates a sonogram and a tuner view, the latter being specifically designed for tuning instruments.

There are two modes IrcamLab The Snail can work in. The Music Mode is suitable for previewing music files and analyzing their spectrum, whereas the Tuner mode is tailored for tuning instruments and processing sounds that do not change very fast.

When in the Music mode, you can load various formats of audio files into the built-in player. IrcamLab The Snail displays their waveform and analyzes sound frequency using techniques that ensure high accuracy.

On the other hand, when tuning an instrument, you should opt for the zoomed tuner view, where a rotating hexagon is shown. Practically, the slower the shape rotates, the closer you are to having an in-tune instrument.

Providing a new method of tuning instruments and analyzing sounds, IrcamLab The Snail can also improve your listening skills. And while there might be more to say about it, we'll leave it to you to discover the rest.