Vocodex is an advanced software solution whose main purpose is to provide you with the ability to generate robot sounding-noises, which are generally used in science-fiction films.

Vocodex includes a wide range of tools and components, for instance articulation envelopes, sound maximizer, carrier synthesizer and vocode envelope controller, along with around one hundred different width bands, enabling you to obtain unique results.

In order for Vocodex to function properly, it requires two different audio sources, namely a carrier and a modulator. The former gives pitch and tone, referring to the actual sound that you hear; the latter consists of the spoken voice which controls the carrier's frequency spectrum.

In order to benefit from Vocodex to the fullest, the host into which you load the application needs to support 'sidechain' audio, which requires a setting made to the mixer, but you should refer to the host's instructions manual for precise information.

To generate vocoding sounds, on the basis of a human voice, Vocodex features three distinct methods, namely 'Immediate Method', 'Production Method' and 'Interlaced Method'; these differ in accordance with the type of carrier and modulator that they use.

Through the 'Immediate Method', you can use an external modulator and an internal carrier, which is built-in to Vocodex, designed mainly for live usage, as you are not required to control the synthesizer.

Using the 'Production Method', you will be resorting to external elements, both in the case of the modulator and the carrier, which is meant for professional-sounding results, due to the enhanced audio quality that it entails. Finally, the 'Interlaced Method' lets you replace the Fruity Vocoder in certain projects with Vocodex to obtain your sounds.

The 'Mixer' offered by the program allows you to adjust the effect level (WET), the modulation sidechain (with sources that include speaking, singing and percussion), enabling you to add noise, while also featuring countless other functions that provide you with the ability to produce eerie robot voices like you hear in movies.