Synthix is inspired by a famous and legendary Synthesizer from the 80's, which a lot of talented guys used as their central Keyboard, including some synths Gurus.

Being a virtual 16 voices analog synthesizer, Synthix comes with multiple standard analog features. Synthix brings also some never seen features:

· The Chaox : an LFO based on fully calculated chaotics functions. real life enters in synthesizers

· The Rhythm : an LFO with uses the Rythm for its main purpose.

· Guitar modes, Circular and random polyphonic modes

And last but not least, Synthix is multi-layer and has a polytimbral mode:

· 8 totaly independant layers (each layer can have its own set of oscillators, filters, envelopes, glide and lfos, with independent settings).

· 2 keyboards, each with its own independent arpeggiator and MIDI settings management.