Not every multimedia player is capable of running every type of audio or video file out there, and there’s a chance you can’t use some specific ones in your projects either. This is where specialized applications like Contenta AC3 Converter come in handy, letting you convert to a more suitable format.

Although you can’t just drag files over the main window to get them ready, there are several browser types, which make it easy for multiple file selection, a single directory, or a complex structure of folders. Moreover, file support is decent, and you’re able to load files like AAC, AC3, FLAC, MP2, MP3, OGG, M4A, WAV, WMA, AVI, MOV, FLV, MPEG, 3GP, and MKV.

Once this is done, you’re free to move forward, with the whole process being wizard-driven, thus making it easy even for inexperienced individuals to get acquainted with its features. In any case, the second, and last step is fitted with a bit more options, in which you also find output and format settings.

Before conversion, you can take the time to apply naming rules, organize a complex folder structure to hold the new files, and even fill in all audio tags, for a more organized collection. The folder also needs to be specified, and even open it to view content. However, you’re also offered the possibility to open the output folder upon completion.

Output format is impressive, and you’re able to save to as many formats as those allowed for import. File size by comparison is shown, while formats can either be picked by type, or by device, with some popular ones enlisted. You can also manually tweak advanced quality settings.

Bottom line is that the abundance and variety of computer activities, made it easier for intuitive ones to flourish, especially since some different activities are closely related. For instance, audio processing surely benefits from what Contenta AC3 Converter has to offer, through a quick completion time, and wizard-driven configuration.