If your job involves having to handle a broad range of applications, you might consider grouping them to increase the efficiency of your workflow.

Although it is possible to resize the windows and group them in certain sections of your screen, turning to TidyTabs Portable can prove to be more efficient, as it enables you to turn them into tabs, in a web-browser-like manner.

Since this application is portable, you do not need to install it on the target computer, as simply unpacking its archive and launching the corresponding executable grants you full access to its features.

This also means that you can run it from removable storage media such as an USB flash drive or external HDD. More so, it does not tamper with any of your Windows registry entries, nor does it create any additional files or folders on your PC.

This application includes a daemon that runs from your system tray after you launch it so that the level of interference with other applications is kept to a minimum.

You can access its configuration window by simply double-clicking its tray icon or right-clicking it and selecting the corresponding entry from the context menu.

TidyTabs Portable can help you enhance your workflow by grouping your active windows into tabs. This helps you access them in a manner that is similar to working with a web browser. Therefore, you do not have to cycle through your active windows, as simply clicking the tab you want to work with brings you to the desired window.

Among the settings you can adjust from the configuration window, it is possible to toggle the app to run at startup, specify opacity values, set a preview size and enable automatic single tab hiding.

All in all, TidyTabs Portable is a handy application that can help you organize your workspace better by turning windows into tabs and grouping them efficiently. It requires no installation, can be minimized to tray and can be operated by various users, regardless of their computer skills.