Whether it is an accidental press of the "Delete" key, a power outage while a file is being edited, or a virus infection, there is always a risk to have your data lost if you are not careful enough. File recovery solutions such as APOWERRECOVER promise to help you in case such an unfortunate event occurs.
The makers of the APOWERRECOVER designed it with simplicity in mind, delivering a wizard-based application for fast data recovery.
As soon as you launch APOWERRECOVER, the wizard is opened, and you are prompted to choose the types of files you want the application to look for, be it photos, videos, and audio files, documents, archives, or emails.
The secret to faster analysis speed is to filter the data to search for. In other words, the more formats you choose, the longer it takes for the application to finish scanning.
The next step requires you to select the location your want the application to scan. Common places, such as the desktop and the Recycle bin are displayed, alongside a list of connected disks. Furthermore, APOWERRECOVER can try to recover a lost partition if you notice that the disk you are looking for is not detected by the PC.
Clicking the 'Next' button starts the scan. As APOWERRECOVER does its job, the number of found files is updated in real time and displayed alongside the remaining time.
A complete list of all the found files is shown in a table, with a preview area that can offer a sneak peak of graphic files. At this point, you can either instruct APOWERRECOVER to try to recover the selected entries or perform a deep scan, in case the file you are searching is not present in the list.
APOWERRECOVER can look for lost files on local and external hard disks, memory cards, flash drives, and other similar storage devices. Depending on the disk size and the number of file formats to look for, the scan takes more or less time.
The plus of APOWERRECOVER is its ease of use and its straightforward interface. In the case of data loss, you can try it out before giving up.
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