BMP files tend to be quite large, which is why storing a lot of them on your computer might not be the best idea. However, you can convert them to various lossless formats to reduce their size without sacrificing quality.

BMP To PNG Converter Software is a lightweight software utility that enables you to turn your BMP files into PNG images, and it is specially designed to help with batch conversion. It offers no advanced features however, and it comes with a disappointing UI.

This application is a good choice for novices who have little experience with computers, as it reduces the conversion process to a couple of easy steps.

You can import the source files using drag and drop actions, or even have the application load all the BMP images from a certain folder automatically.

No advanced parameters need to be configured before launching the conversion process, so first-time users should be able to get the job done in no time.

Given that the program is mostly aimed at users who need to convert large numbers of files at once, it would have been great if you were able to fine-tune the compression algorithm.

While the PNG format is, of course, lossless, many other conversion tools allow you alter the compression level depending on how long you can afford to wait for the operation to be completed.

From a visual standpoint, BMP To PNG Converter Software is in need of some major improvements, as the UI looks very unpolished, and an upgrade would only convince potential users to give it a try.

In conclusion, this is a very straightforward application that can help you convert your BMP files to the PNG format. It is especially well suited for batch processing, but it offers a limited feature set, as well as an out-of-date UI.