Running a company is a challenging job, as it implies a high variety of risks and numerous tedious tasks.

Keeping records of your business' financial activity can be achieved by hiring a qualified person, but you can save yourself the expense and rely on specialized software, such as CheckMark MultiLedger.

This application comes with a simple, unattractive user interface. The main window provides you with a command center that allows you to call its most important functions by clicking the corresponding buttons.

However, the multi-window layout can overwhelm some of the users as it requires them to switch between workspaces often, thus having a negative impact on overall productivity.

Although it comes with numerous features, some of them are highly unstable, as they might crash the program.

After creating a company profile and setting required parameters, if you click on the Financial Statements button, the application crashes and any unsaved modifications are lost. More so, trying to generate a report regarding income statements yields the same feedback.

You can rely on this program if you need a convenient way to organize and keep track of any financial activity for your small company or business. Its main functions are organized into three categories: Set Up, Transactions and Reports.

Each category encompasses a wide variety of features. For instance, you can specify shipping methods, interface accounts or budget amounts, create various journal entries and generate numerous report types.

This application allows you to create various reports that you can save as Excel or text files, print them for later reference or display them as charts.

To sum it up, CheckMark MultiLedger can help you keep track of financial data for your small business. However, note that the user interface might overwhelm you. Also, you should consider saving your project often as some of the main functions crash the application.