Facebook stores all your profile information and private messages, along with various other details associated to your account, such as groups you are part of, the list of friends, interactions stories and so on. In case you did not know, it is possible to download a copy of all this data upon request.

But why would you do so? Well, perhaps you need to preserve Messenger conversations or use them as evidence in court or other situations. However, the two available formats, namely HTML and JSON, are not so widely used and might pose difficulties when printing the content on paper. That is where Decipher Messenger Export comes in, providing a quick and convenient method to save Facebook chats and conversations as a PDF document.

The wizard-based interface of Decipher Messenger Export makes it extremely easy to work with. Not just that you get instructions on how to perform the conversion to PDF format, but the application offers step-by-step guidance on how to download your messenger data from Facebook and save it locally in JSON format.

Provided you follow the instructions, it only takes you a few minutes to have the archive file with your private conversations ready for conversion. Once you download the ZIP file on your computer, you will have to import it to Decipher Messenger Export. If you have multiple ZIP archives, then you must select them all by holding the “CTRL” key.

If you prefer unzipping the archive yourself, please keep in mind that the files inside it should not be rearranged or renamed. Decipher Messenger Export also accepts JSON files inside the downloaded archive.

The next step requires you to select the conversations you want Decipher Messenger Export to convert to PDF format. Both messages and calls can be exported, but you can also configure the application to only export call logs.

Exported conversations preserve text formatting and chat bubbles to make the document easier to read. Image previews from linked or shared content can also be retained. If it is of your interest, Decipher Messenger Export can set a date and time range for the exported content.

Decipher Messenger Export makes it possible to save offline copies of your private conversations on Facebook. Using it should pose no difficulties whatsoever and getting the Messenger chats exported to a PDF file is a matter of a few clicks.