Either due to hardware failure or reading errors, files on your computer can get corrupted. A damaged file cannot be opened and viewed, which might lead to data loss and, consequently, lots of frustration. When nothing else is working and a backup is not available, you can try out EaseUS Fixo, a tool dedicated to repairing corrupted files that are impossible to open.

EaseUS Fixo features three separate sections, each ready to help you address a different file type. As we launched the application, we noticed the three categories in the left-side panel, all one-click away. You get to repair videos, photos and other types of files, such as documents. Simply click on the category of your choice to select it and read details about it.

First of all, EaseUS Fixo can repair corrupted video clips, meaning I might just be able to save those clips that fail to load in the media player. The application is compatible with popular video formats, such as MP4, MOV, MKV and so on and can repair video files that are captured or recorded with various devices, including cameras, smartphones, DSLRs and so on. Whether you get a black screen, flickering or blurred frames, a missing sound or interrupted playback, this application can try to repair the source video.

Thanks to the AI-based photo repair module, you might just be able to reopen photos that cannot be previewed in Windows or restore grayed-out photos with stitching errors. What is more, EaseUS Fixo comes with photo retouching capabilities, which means it can remove grains or fix blurred images.

As for the “File Repair” module, EaseUS Fixo supports various types of documents, including damaged Office files and PDFs. It supports all Office formats and promises to repair documents that fail to open in PDF reading apps.

EaseUS Fixo is an all-in-one file repair tool that comes with support not just for multimedia files, but also for documents of all types. Featuring an intuitive and easy to use GUI, this application makes it possible to address various issues in batch mode, processing multiple files in one go to make files operable and accessible once again and avoid unnecessary data loss.