The FLAC audio format is very popular among audiophiles who do not wish to compromise on quality. However, these files can be quite a bit larger than their MP3 equivalents, which is why a splitting tool can come in handy.

FLAC Splitter Software is a simple application that enables you to divide FLAC files into multiple parts. It is easy to use and can process several items at once, but it would benefit from a modernized user interface.

If you need to cut a large number of files into multiple parts, FLAC Splitter Software is a great choice. You can add as many items as you like to the processing queue, and the program even supports drag and drop.

Moreover, it is possible to select a certain folder where you store your music and have the application import all the contained FLAC files automatically.

You can specify how long the output files should be, either by selecting one of the available values or entering a custom one. However, the application does not allow you to split the files into multiple identical parts based on size.

Also, you cannot listen to the tracks before processing them or add fade in and fade out effects.

Sadly, the application is rather disappointing from a visual standpoint, as the user interface is very out of date. If looks are not particularly important to you, however, this should not be a major issue.

To conclude, FLAC Splitter Software is a handy utility that provides you with a quick and easy way to split large FLAC files into multiple parts. It does not offer any advanced features, however, and it features a plain user interface that looks very outdated.