Having lost access to your Windows account can be problematic, regardless of the nature of your PC usage, be it for personal or professional requirements. Being able to log in with your local account credentials for use is mandatory, and having accidentally lost or misplaced these can be troublesome.

There are numerous solutions out there for restoring access to your account, some more complex, others simpler, and some involving manual searches and other cumbersome steps. FonesGo Windows Password Remover, however, just as its name implies, is here to provide a dedicated solution.

This application was designed specifically in order to offer you the means to regain access to your Windows account, by removing the associated credentials. The application’s main working principle revolves around creating a password removal drive or disk, for either USB-compatible devices or CD and DVD formats.

Users will be able to reset or remove the lost passwords for guest, admin, or Microsoft accounts, or delete the corresponding credentials entirely, and define new ones. FonesGo Windows Password Remover features a step-by-step wizard, which will take users through a sequential workflow for defining the parameters for either a USB-based password removal media or a disk-based solution, be it either CD or DVD.