In order for a video game to be memorable, it needs to have something that makes it stand out. Animations or effects are a good example.

Whenever a character or object appears on the screen from one side to the other, it seems boring. To make the best animations and effects for your sprites, you can use JuiceFX.

This program has a multitude of features to it. It can help you make your sprites do all sorts of things.

You want to make a character pop up out of nowhere? No problem. You want an object to shake or flash a certain color? Easy. You want to make a lizard speak Spanish? Well, JuiceFX cannot help you with the audio, actually.

But aside from that, you can have your sprite look or behave however you want them.

As with any graphical application, whatever you create is added in layers. This means that you are able to make multiple animations and effects and stack them on top of each other.

Let's say you are done with your dream creation and are ready to use it for your future video game. If you wish to export, you are able to do it in 4 different ways.

As far as file types go, you can save your creation either to PNG or GIF format. The other two methods imply either to export frame by frame or to export as an array.

The rendering part of the program is nice as well. You have the option to choose whether you want your invention to be displayed in pixels or in HD, the number of frames per second and even the canvas size.

If you plan on having a video game with stunning animations and effects, JuiceFX is a solid option for you. With the number of styles you can add to your sprites, it is at least worth a try.