The meaning and history of tens of thousands of family surnames. Create suitable-for-framing, ready to sell certificates about the history and meanings of last names.

With our exclusive Daitch-Mokotoff phonetic matching, the database possibilities explode to hundreds of thousands of surnames with unusual spellings or pronunciations.

Last Name Almanac is simple to use but is also loaded with customization options. Last Name Almanac is supplied with three new, unique & licensed headline fonts for that wow factor.

Use any font in your system plus the three new ornate fonts. Change font size from tiny to "boy, is that big" for both the headline and body text. This allow you to really customize the output to fit special needs.

Surname software of this type is a proven money maker. The market is not saturated with last name software, so be one of the first to offer this opportunity to your customers. You could offer just these surname printouts and nothing else and make a substantial income if done properly.


■ 1024x768 min screen resolution recommended


■ Only 50 names are avalilable.